How is my rent calculated?
Your rent is calculated depending on which way your home was purchased, currently there are two types of rent:
- Fixed rent of €79.00 per week (€88.00 per couple) – you can apply to the Community Welfare Officer/Central Rents Unit for a Rental Supplement to help you with your rent.
- Differential Rent – this is where your rent is based on your income and a formula calculates your rent, the Housing Association will ask you to complete a Statement of Income Form in order to calculate your rent.
Method of Payment
The current method of payment is by Direct Debit from your Bank account. A mandate is provided to you in your Tenancy Pack. Payment is usually due in advance on a weekly basis, (although we will accept payments monthly by prior arrangement).
As a tenant, it is very important that you keep your rent payments up to date. Charges for the accommodation you occupy are due on Thursdays and should be paid each week in advance. You may pay weekly (or monthly by prior arrangement), provided your account does not go into arrears. It is your legal obligation to ensure that the full amount is paid when it is due.
What happens if I fall into arrears?
Initially we will write to you if payments are missed and remind you to pay. In order for us to be able to help you, it is important that you tell your Housing Officer as soon as possible if you are experiencing difficulties paying your rent. It is better that the problem is recognised early so that assistance can be given. The Housing Officer may be able to assist and in certain circumstances can accept agreements to reduce the arrears. You may also wish to seek the advice of the Money Advice and Budgeting Service about debt counseling.